My Trip to China: Dao Xiang Cun Treats

Ahhh! I am so sorry for not posting so long with school starting and everything but I made myself share this with you guys. I’m going to try to manage my time better and at least post once a week…

But anyway, this is still part of my trip to China, Beijing to be exact. My family and I were visiting the Bird’s Nest where Beijing held the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. And yes, it was sweltering hot (pictures of the nest will be in another post).

On our way out, my dad pulled us into this little shop, and I was so confused because he isn’t someone who really ever craves sweet things. But judging from the excitement in his eyes, I knew this Dao Xiang Cun bakery really had to be something special ( and it is, I later learned that it’s super popular in Beijing and the rest of China).
This was the pineapple pastry that I didn’t quite like. It’s called feng li su.  My family was crazy about it but I didn’t really like the filling. It just didn’t taste “real”. IMG_2068.JPG

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